Ever since I was a kid and mounted a chainsaw on my bmx bike so I could race around town I was in love haha. Now I collect antique power saws, fix them , restore them and use them as often as I can. There is just something about being a man or woman and having control of that power and destruction in your hands, they are loud and smell like 2 stroke hah its just a primitive need for testosterone I guess but it makes you smile. I've never seen a sad person with a running chainsaw and if you do then maybe you should be the one running (jason) haha!!!
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The Spark Plug never lies, but I don't expect everyone to know what its trying to say. Everyone has a different walk of life mine just happens to be the love of fixing things! So let me do what I Love so you can spend more time doing what you love!
Post: Blog2_Post
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